How to Use a Char-Broil Smoker

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You might consider purchasing a Char Broil smoker, or you have one but you don’t know how to use it correctly. Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one that doesn’t know how to use a Char Broil correctly.

This is why you need to make sure that you are getting all the necessary information possible. To ensure that you know what a Char Broil smoker is and how you can use one correctly.

Now, you don’t need to worry anymore. This is making sure that you know everything there is to know about a Char Broil smoker and how you can use it correctly.


What is a Char Broil Smoker?

The first thing that you need to know is what a Char Broil smoker is in the first place. It is also known as a chargrill. This is an easy method of cooking or smoking. It’s making use of different grates and different fuel sources to smoke your meat and other food.

This is one of the most popular smokers at the moment, because of the different benefits that the smoker has to offer.

how to use a char broil smoker box

Benefits of Making Use of Char Broil Smokers

This is what is making the char broil smoker so popular. The benefits of the char broil smokers are making such a great smoker have. These are some of the benefits of why this is a recommended smoker to consider.

  • Smokers are easy to move. It is portable and that is making it easier to move. Great for taking it with you on camping trips or when you are going on holiday.
  • It is always flavoring meat and other food. You don’t need to add any smoking chips in order to get the right smoking flavor. This is especially true when you are making use of charcoal as the heat source.
  • These smokers are easy maintenance. Not really expensive to use, and easy to clean. Meaning that you can use it on a regular basis, and you will not need to spend hours cleaning the smoker after each use.
  • Not as expensive as some of the other smokers on the market. Making it more affordable for people that can’t afford normal smokers.

How to Use a Char Broil Electric Smoker?

A Char Broil electric smoker is the most convenient tool to prepare various kinds of tasty smoking food without any obstacles.

However, it would be the best option if you applied a meat thermometer to control the internal temperature and heat of the meat you want to prepare since cooked food often looks different on the outside than other cooking methods. 

Additionally, you could try adding multiple wood chops or juices to create your meals tastier.

Bear in mind that before you use the Char Broil electric smoker, you MUST read the safety instructions and information to avoid and prevent possible severe injuries or even fire.

But, to properly use a Char Broil electric smoker, you should follow the following step-by-step procedure:

how to use a char broil smoker grill
  • Soak wood chips into water or any other liquid for at least two hours to preserve the humidity inside the smoker.
  • You need to coat the electric smoker's inner body parts and body with a non-stick vegetable oil spray. Therefore, you need to fill the water pan with two-thirds of hot water or any other convenient liquid. Once you finish the process, you should add 1.5 cups of wood chips to the reflector plate.
  • Before you plug in your char broil electric smoker, you need to be confident the control knob is turned off. This way, you will omit severe accidents and injuries. Place your char broil electric smoker on a heat-resistant and flat surface, and plug it in. Once you place everything correctly, it's time to turn the controller to the highest point.
  • Now it's time to add your food to the electric smoker. However, bear in mind that it will take you approximately four times longer to prepare your meals properly and the way you like than other cooking methods.
    Also, it would be best if you didn't forget to monitor the temperature of your char broil smoker and keep it at the right degree. The optimal temperature for the electric smoker should be 250°F degrees.
    Of course, you can add more water or wood chips if necessary to regulate the cooking process and maintain the right flavor and taste of the food. However, don't forget to unplug the char broil smoker before you add more water. Thus, you will avoid potentially dangerous situations and accidents and avoid causing unnecessary trouble.
  • Finally, the last step is to check the internal temperature of your food. Once the temperature reaches the right degree and correctly requires heat for secure and safe consumption, you can remove the food as your thermometer marks and requires. Thus, your food is ready to serve, and you can enjoy it!

How to Use a Char-Broil Offset Smoker?

Among various smoker types and models, the char broil offset smoker requires the highest care, knowledge and work.

However, this should NOT discourage you since once you learn the process correctly, it won't be hard for you to use the offset smoker freely.

Yes, you can always try various videos on Youtube and see the step-by-step process for more significant help.

But we have narrowed down the procedure for you, so please, read below for more information.

1. Starting the Fire

how to use a char broil electric smoker

You might be surprised, but the best and most effective way to light a fire in your char broil offset smoker is to use charcoal. Once you create the necessary heat in the coals, you can add wood to start the flame.

Suppose you don't have any gas ignition systems to work with; the best way to light the necessary coals is to use a chimney starter as a helpful tool. Thus, you will not lose any of the quality and can light up the fire quickly.

When you light up the coals, it's time to move them from the smoker chimney into the firebox. It would be best if you dumped them on the far side of the firebox. Thus, you wouldn't have to reach over the flame when tending to it. This is a more secure, convenient and safer way.

Those parts of the firewood you plan to smoke should be in the firebox, so you need to place them inside. However, DO NOT place them on the top of the coals just yet. At this moment, you are still heating the logs; hence, the ideal size is around the diameter of a soft drink can.

It would be best if you placed the logs on top of your coals once they're heated enough and dried out. Then, the following step is to wait for the flame to reach the necessary temperature.

You can place additional logs in the firebox to warm up better. If you add a new record to the fire, set a new one in the firebox to heat up. Thus, you will avoid white smoke, and the logs will catch fire faster so that your cooking process can be smooth and more excellent. Open the vents and door for necessary chamber temperature.

2. Getting the Right Temperature

A thermometer is crucial for this process. When you reach the right temperature, open the vents for one-third and chimney cap to a half. Regulate the temperature and adjust the vents during the cooking process since external conditions can affect and change the temperature. Please make sure you add more logs or roll them up to create the necessary heat.

3. Fire Maintenance

You should add logs every 45 minutes or an hour. Make sure you don't have a cloud of white smoke; otherwise, you might have some problems with the flame.

When the temperature falls, you need to add more logs. Open the firebox door to increase the temperature and heat it. You might find a 75-degree temperature difference between the chamber ends, so rotate the meat for even cooking.

Tips When You Are Using a Char Broil Smoker for the First Time

When you are using a char broil smoker for the first time, you might not be comfortable that you are using it correctly.

There are a couple of things that you can do, to ensure that your meat and food are always smoked correctly. These are some tips to consider.


Using different types of smoking chips is a great idea. Different flavor chips are going to give you different flavored results. Then, you will know which one you can use that is giving you the best smoking taste that you are looking for.

The heat should always be correct on the smoker. If you have an electric smoker or one with adjustable heat settings then this won’t be a problem. So, this is a great feature to consider when purchasing your char broil smoker.

The last tip is that you might want to try different recipes for smoking before you decide which one you like the most. There are many different recipes that you can get online. Now, you know everything about the char broil smoker. From what this type of smoker is, to how to use it correctly.

The only thing that you always need to remember is that you need to purchase the right one that is highly recommended and that you can afford. Then, you will have the best time smoking different foods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Charbroil an excellent electric smoker?

YES, it is.

As you will find, the Charbroil is definitely worth considering since the product is well-sized and offers a fantastic design. It also provides maximum benefits and advantages when it comes to quality and performance so that it won't let you down.

Also, the smoker contains additional tools and elements for easy cleaning and usage, such as a water pan, meat probe with wire, large smoker wood box, sliding grease tray.

How do you smoke in a Char-Broil smoker?

The following steps will help you complete the smoking process correctly:

  • Pick the wood - two to three handfuls of selected wood chips will be enough for an hour.
  • Set the coals - a chimney starter reduces the amount of time while getting the charcoal burning.
  • Establish the two zones - one side of the grill should be more relaxed than the other one, so pour the coals on one half of the grill and leave the other empty.
  • Control the temperature - maintain it at 230 - 250 degrees.
  • Cook the meat - it should be low and slow.
  • Follow the recipes

How do you use a Char-Broil smoker box?

Fill it with the smoke chips and start grilling. The lid will directly move the smoke away for more convenient use and cooking process.

Also, you might want to add water, marinade or juice to the smoker chips for better results and tasty food.

Once the process is done, move the meat and try it to check the taste.

What is the best char broil electric smoker?

The best one is the Char-Broil 17202004 Digital Electric Smoker.

As you will notice, the electric smoker contains the most straightforward setup process for the most convenient use. Moreover, you will find its portability, flexibility, design, performance, capacity and overall quality; therefore, the smoker will astonish you.

The only drawback you might find it's the slower action compared with some other models; however, the price guarantees premium quality.

Final Words

What else could I add? I think everything is clear and covered. However, please, let me know in the comment section if you still have some dilemmas or questions.

I hope you learned all the steps on how to use your Char Broil smokers and that you will enjoy your BBQ time more from now on.

Make sure you check the fantastic digital Char-Broil 17202004 Digital Electric Smoker for the best grilling experience!

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