We all love the smell of meat in the air while grilling. The dazzling sound when the meat is finally done, the mouthwatering, delicious and savory pieces of meat that you simply can’t get enough of. And the taste? Yummy!
When grilling, there are two types of people, the ones that prefer their sauce to be more liquid, thin BBQ sauce, and the ones that want to add texture and look for ways to thicken their BBQ sauce. This is because a thick sauce will add a powerful kick of flavors.
In addition, it will stick and spread evenly on the meat, while thin sauce usually will evaporate quickly.
After long hours of research and practice, here are 7 best tips on how to thicken your BBQ sauce.
1. Removing Excess Water
This is a quick method to thicken a BBQ sauce. It uses the basic principle of evaporation, which is the use of heat to dry a liquid.
This process intensifies flavor, making the liquid thicker or denser, and it does not require any ingredient, since removing an extra ingredient (water) will get the job done.
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2. How to Use Flour to Thicken Your BBQ Sauce
Most people underrate flour, and many are not aware of its many uses, one of which includes thickening your BBQ sauce. If you also need to preserve your BBQ sauce’s flavor, flour is your go-to ingredient.

What You’ll Need
3. How to Use Cornstarch to Thicken Your BBQ Sauce
Like flour, cornstarch can also be used to make your BBQ sauce thicker. The process is almost the same, but this one uses a different ingredient.
Cornstarch is used solely to thicken the BBQ sauce and does not add any flavors to the sauce.
What You’ll Need

4. How to Use Butter to Thicken Your BBQ Sauce
Butter can add desired thickness to your BBQ sauce, and texture, with a little flavor as well. This will produce a distinct creamy taste due to its fat and water balance.
What You’ll Need

5. How to Use Sugar to Thicken Your BBQ Sauce
It is generally known that sugar can be used to add thickness to your BBQ sauce. Sugar will not only add thickness to your sauce, but the right amount will also add sweetness to the sauce.
What You’ll Need

6. How to Use Heavy Cream to Thicken Your BBQ Sauce
Heavy cream is another ingredient that can be used to thicken your BBQ sauce. There are several sources from which you can get heavy cream, cow, or goat milk are the commonly used ones. Heavy cream will add taste, thickness, and desired level of consistency to your BBQ sauce.
What You’ll Need

7. How to Use Vegetable Fibers to Thicken Your BBQ Sauce
This may sound a little odd, but vegetables can actually thicken your BBQ sauce, as well as add some great health benefits to your body. The process of using vegetables to thicken the BBQ sauce involves making a vegetable puree.
If properly mashed, these vegetables will not only thicken your BBQ sauce but will also provide your body with a needed nutritional kick.

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Final Thoughts
BBQ is a delectable food for many people. Adding BBQ sauce, especially thick one, will both boost the flavor and enhance the taste.
Of all the listed methods on how to thicken your BBQ sauce, which is your favorite? Do you have another recipe on how to thicken barbecue sauce you want to share with us?
We look forward to hearing your comments.